
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

90 Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

90 days hurray!

90 days hurray!

Hi Ho the Dairy-O, 90 Days Hurray!

What a lovely 90th day of sobriety I had.  What a contrast the day was compared with my last binge which also fell on a Monday.  In my first ever post I talk about my sculling wine and then hiding the bottle while Mr D was out at Scouts with the Big Guy and Middle Dude. 

Yesterday I went to the gym, went and bought Mr D and I a new bed! (this wasn't on a whim, our old one is one I bought before I even met him), made some fresh ginger beer (thanks Jamie Oliver), ginger crunch and a pavlova while the little guy was napping, had a lovely family dinner then pottered round cleaning up the house while Mr D took our two eldest to their Scouts meeting.  Bathed the Little Man then made train tracks with him.  We all gorged on Pavlova when the others got home, then put the kids to bed, lay on the sofa watching TV and .... FILED MY NAILS!!!!!!!  Yes ladies and gentlemen .. some personal grooming!!!!!!!!

Actually some weird changes are occurring in my new-found sober life.  I file my nails more often.  I'm thinking I might start *shock horror* flossing my teeth every night.  I have plucked my eyebrows more often (I once did this pissed on the sofa in the half-dark and the result was disastrous).  The first thing I now put in my tummy every morning is a cup of Green Tea with a little honey added.  What am I, some sort of crazy hippy?!  I used to start every day with a huge mug of milky instant coffee but now it's Green Tea and it really makes me feel much cleaner and lighter.

Cleaner and lighter.  That would sum up my feeling in general at this point of 90 days.  Cleaner and lighter with no guilt or hangovers, clean teeth, neat nails and semi-shaped eyebrows.  But not resting on my laurels.  Someone told me yesterday that the 90-day chip is Red to warn against being complacent.  That was great to hear.  I'm considering myself warned.  So am going to keep up my inner work and continue to work on training my brain to accept a life with no alcohol added. 

Love, Mrs D xxx


  1. Congratulations!! 90 Days, WOW. I am so happy for you.


  2. Congrats Mrs. D! Loved reading your blog today. SO glad I found it!


  3. Unreal!
    No actually it is real and you have done it and it is the start of something wonderful.
    You are becoming more and more inspiring everyday (for everyone!)

  4. Congratulations on 90 Days sober! We look forward to congratulating you on many more milestones to come!
