
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Channelling Caitlin Moran

I woke up in a snit on Sunday after a terrible sleep and mentally prepared to limp my way through an underwhelming day. I wasn't holding out any hope for it to be a winner for a variety of small but accumulated reasons.

But shortly after waking while sitting with a mug of green tea and the newspaper I came across an article by the clever and fabulous British writer Caitlin Moran, and read all about her obsession with the new Daft Punk single 'Get Lucky' (I'd link to her article here but it's behind a paywall on The Times UK website, you'll just have to trust me it is as brilliantly witty and clever as all her other writing).

As soon as I finished the article I took my phone out, went to iTunes, bought the new Daft Punk album, plugged the phone into the speakers in my kitchen and played 'Get Lucky' loudly.

Then I played it again.

Then I played it again.

Then I played it again and again and again.

Let me say this clearly.. if you want to make your day IMMEASURABLY better then listen to 'Get Lucky' by Daft Punk loudly over and over and over. Find it on Spotify or YouTube (the long version which goes for just over six minutes). It will greatly improve the quality of your day. It sure did me on Sunday! Thank you Caitlin Moran and thank you Daft Punk. You helped make one sober mama down in New Zealand very happy. I'm listening to it right now with the headphones on. "We're up all night to get lucky..."

Anyway finally yesterday I walked my six-day-old sore throat to the doctor. This is the first time I've been to the doctor in this community despite having lived here for a year (healthy sober person me!!). He was very nice and had a good chat with me, taking bits of family history and other details to help him get to know me. He said (while looking at my notes) "...and I see you're a non-smoker which is good".. to which I answered "and a non-drinker!". He raised his eyebrows so I continued in my usual blunt fashion "Gave it up about a year and a half ago. Was just getting too much. Found it really hard to stop drinking once I started so I just took it away. I do call myself an alcoholic now, although that took a while."

(I'm jiggling around in my chair. "She's up all night for good fun, I'm up all night to get lucky...")

Is it weird that I was proud telling the Doctor this? Not embarrassed. Not shy. Just matter-of-fact, and I felt strong. He was low-key but definitely interested. Said "good on you" a few times. Then he started shaking his head and said "You know, I do think the person sitting in my chair 20 or 30 years from now is going to be talking about alcohol the way we talk about tobacco today. It just causes so much harm. So many problems in our community."

I'd like to think he's right, I really would. I'd like to think that there is going to be a more open dialogue in our societies about alcohol and how addictive and problematic it can be. And more people will be open about having a problem with it. And more people will give it up. But I'm not sure that's going to happen. As I've said before... it's a big old ship to turn around.

(we're up all night to get lucky, we're up all night to get lucky, we're up all night to get lucky....)

Love, Mrs D xxx


  1. I will admit that I was listening to that song while reading your post. I just never got all the way through. I have tried to like DP in the past, but not my cup of tea. But I must be in the minority, as the YouTube video already has 40 million hits! I will be cool one day :)

    Anyway, I understand when you say that you were happy to confide in your doctor about your not drinking any more. I am kind of in that headspace these days too...not to shout it out from the rooftops, but I am not really feeling shy or anything about anyone knowing I am a recovered alcoholic. My neighbours offered me a glass of wine today. I said I was ok with my coffee and that was about it. I wasn't going to spill my guts at their kid's bday party (which is why we were there), but perhaps in another setting I might have mentioned it. Or not. It's such a personal thing.

    Good food for thought here, Mrs. D...hmmm....


  2. I've had a Daft Punk song stuck in my head on and off for days now...don't think it's that one, but it's from the new album. I'll give your song a listen and maybe get it stuck in my head instead.

    I LOVE that you spoke so openly to your doctor. That's a hard conversation to have, even after the fact. I love what he said. I hope he's right because it does so much damage that few link to the real cause.

  3. i got lucky today...when i came across this post (oh c'mon, like you didn't know that was coming). Thanks for the all the smiles i found here today!

  4. I think the biggest battle is the one to be honest with yourself and everyone else. It's such a relief from the years of denial and deceit. Very brave blog, and one I can relate to entirely. Thanks! I've started my own site. Not as good as yours, but you might take a look sometime

  5. Another great post Mrs D. My annual physical is coming up this summer and I can't wait to be HONEST when I fill out the history section. I always downplayed my drinking to my doctor...well, because I was downplaying it to myself! I didn't want to face the truth that I was addicted to wine...I knew it but I didn't want to face it. I honestly have never really openly admitted to anyone but this group exactly why I gave up drinking. Not even with my husband. I thought he just KNEW but I'm wondering if he didn't because he recently used white wine in a recipe (for something that he and my son ate, not ME) and there was the leftover bottle in my fridge. Oh it looked so beautiful. I got angry it was there everytime I opended the fridge. I kept pestering him to drink it (he's a red wine drinker) and finally he did...whew. So I don't think even HE gets it. And we have been married for 23 yrs! I think its time I have a real chat with him. Thanks for the great post Mrs D.
