
Friday, November 29, 2013

A must watch...

This is a really, really, really amazing powerful video.

I have been the blond woman in this video so so so many times. Not that I've been taken advantage of like she (almost) was.. but completely lost like she appears to be. Vacant eyes, stumbling, numb. Lost inside a drunk woman's body.

Just gone. Gone inside a body that is full to the brim with booze. That was me for years and years and years.

Young me at bars and clubs and parties and the like. Then older me on the sofa at home. Drunk me lost inside a drunk woman's body.

It is remarkable the fundamental shift I've had now that I have removed alcohol from my life. A phenomenal change in how I move in the world, how I feel to myself. How I am.

I really love being sober.

Love, Mrs D xxx


  1. This certainly needs to be seen. thank you for sharing this, Mrs. D.

  2. Can't watch. Am her...m

  3. God, that is so harrowing. i'm so glad you got out of that scene so i don't have to worry about the girl i didn't know back then!

  4. Been there too. Hard to watch with sober eyes and brain .....

  5. Wow. That's powerful. It's good to see this kind of message coming from New Zealand... we need it.

  6. Thanks for directing me to this, what a powerful video. I certainly recognise myself in her.

  7. EXCELLENT video! One that I'm going to pass along not only to my friends, but more importantly to the friends of my boys (after they watch it). Thanks Mrs. D!


  8. So sad. Wow. Thanks for sharing. I am SO glad not to be putting myself into dangerous situations I can help others get out of them! xx

  9. Amazing video! For a minute there I thought this was more about men targeting women than it was about women drinking - glad I watched it to the end (I nearly didn't!). I also ENJOY being sober. I'm pleased to have found your blog.
