
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

My online time...

I just wrote an update in the 'Members Feed' (our rolling communication space) at Living Sober alerting members to the new 'Drink of the Week' recipe that I'd put up. It was for Mexican Limeade, yum yum!

Someone replied and said "Hi, missing your regular blogs on Mrs D Is Going Without.. you don't blog as often as you used to."

Dammit. Sprung. Was hoping that no-one had noticed!

So yeah.. before Living Sober launched I was writing on here twice a week - regular updates on my sober lifestyle and the ups and downs that came along. The ideas for the posts would come to me pretty easily and I'll type them out in just 15 minutes or so.

Then Living Sober launched and I got super-busy over there. I now write twice-weekly posts on my blog page there, create & photograph a fancy new drink each week, constantly monitor all the member activity to ensure people are staying kind, supportive and encouraging (which they are), and blitz spammers to cyber-hell.

It's a on-going job for me now and one that never ends because our 1000+ members are busy in there  continually posting updates and interacting with each other.

Luckily I love it.

I love watching all the grit, determination, and loveliness that goes on in the 'Members Feed'. I love all the fantastic suggestions that are are being left in the Sober Toolbox, I enjoy replying to all the comments that are left on my blog posts, and I love being able to use the site to keep working my own personal programme of recovery (which is largely based around online support).

But sadly all of this time and love that I am pouring into Living Sober means it's harder for me to pop out twice-weekly posts here on my original blog. I'm finding it more difficult to come up with ideas for here because I'm putting most of my thoughts and feelings into posts and interactions at Living Sober.

This is NOT a goodbye post to my lovely original blog (my 'warm bath' as I like to think of it). This is just an explanation why I'm not posting so regularly over here. I'll keep it up.. but it's going to be sporadic. That's just the reality for me now.. my 'online time' has shifted and changed.

But I would encourage you to regularly visit the 'Mrs D's Blog Page' over at Living Sober. It's at the front of the site and you don't need to be a member to read it and comment. If the 'social network' vibe of the site isn't for you (and you don't want to regularly interact on the Members Feed) that's cool.. but at least you can still read my regular ramblings on my blog page there.

Love, Mrs D xxx


  1. Cool Lotta.
    Didn't have anything to say. Just wanted to be the first to post!

  2. Don't sweat it, we totally get it! You are supermum to your boys, plus motivator, listening ear and mentor to your extended family of 1000+! Please do whatever works for you. Your own recovery journey is so important, as are you. :)

  3. Mrs D I dont know how to contact you by email? I have just done a post on my southerndiscomfort blog, and I need you to tell me if you think I should delete it? It is all true, but if you deem it to be inappropriate I will take it off in a flash.

  4. I just visited Living Sober for the first time in a few weeks. Your recent blog posts (and a guest post) were so helpful, full of genuine honesty, heartfelt insights, practical tips, and long-term advice. And popping around the site again reveals so many resources (reading material and links too)! Thanks Mrs. D. for all that you do!

  5. But you SHOULD be a member cause it's awesome!!!

    Sorry - just had to throw that in. ;)


  6. I would so love you Living Sober website be able to use the pinch zoom facility like this one can? I am severely visually impaired and am unable to zoom in at all to read anything at all which is a real shame as would so love to. Please please please can you make this possible??????? Xxx

  7. Why do we live in a world awash with booze? Which geniuses thought that would be a good idea? And why do we need booze to socialize? Why are we so uptight and insecure that we feel the need to numb our senses. Surely being around other people shouldn't be so painful. Are we so self-centered nowadays that we've become incurably disconnected with others and need booze to bridge the gap?.... I'm not expecting any answers btw.... just early morning rambling to myself...

  8. Hi Mrs D.... looks like this blog is in it's final throes.... I've got a bone to pick with you regarding buttering your crackers.... I've now started doing it..... we've been in a blackout in Auckland for the past couple of days and I even tried buttering a weet bix, it wasn't great to be honest.

  9. Is blackout the right term or is that just something we drinkers do? There's been no electricity anyway.

  10. Hey, if I keep leaving comments maybe Lotta will keep this blog going.....

  11. Mr Tea

    My late old mum loved buttered Weetbix! with Marmite. Sorry you did not like them.

    Just been reading about the side affects of alcohol..One is... .Anxiety attacks. Since I gave up drinking wine etc..I have not had one..yeah!

    1. ....good for you, unfortunately i still get anxiety attacks without the booze.
      .....i'm actually having a mild one as I write this!
      ...maybe it's better with marmite aswell,
      ....wonder what other foods we can butter?

  12. Hi Lotta,

    This blog is totally interwoven with your recovery journey and will naturally reflect the ebb and flow of that, as it has over the years.

    It's a genuine it is what it is, and will be what it will be.

    I plan to come here regularly! It has an intimacy that is unique to this space you have created.


  13. 'I suddenly didn't want to be dominated by that non-human anymore, or even be dominated by the moral obligation to enlarge my conciousness anymore. Or do anything except be my heart- which just desired to be and be alive now. I had a very strange ecstatic feeling then and there once I had sort of got that burden off my back, because I was suddenly free to love myself again and love the people around me, in the form that they already were and love myself in my own form as I am.'
    Allen Ginsberg.

  14. Hey, this is actually great! You've turned this blog into a kind of shell from which your new and sober self will spring forth. This only underscores the usefulness of blogs and even our virtual personas, through which we sort out all our inner demons and pry out messes of our instincts. By having a vessel through which we channel our thoughts and emotions, we find release and peace.

    Donnie Benson @ Midwest Institute for Addiction
