
Friday, February 28, 2014


Ok so the pale green was a mistake. It's too light. Can see now why they had it black. The kitchen cabinets are a nice shade of a color I like to call 'pale urine' and the pale green enhances that.. might have to go a darker green now…

All the sugar is a mistake too. I'm sure it's affecting my mood. I'm feeling a bit flat and there's no good reason other than my diet has slipped to become a bit shitty and I can't seem to muster the energy to start treating myself better and eating more healthily. Which comes first the horse or the cart? The bad diet or the lack of drive to improve the diet?

I'm someone who lives sober and chooses to never ever drink alcohol ever. Just thought I'd reiterate that (to myself?).

I keep hearing about random people who know me who read this blog but I'd never know because they don't comment or say anything to me directly. That feels a bit strange. But I suppose if you choose to blog about your life you open yourself up to everyone in the entire world and that might mean former colleagues or friends in distant places or old school friends or randoms I've met once at a BBQ or whatever can quietly feast upon my musings …

If you know me and are reading why don't you comment and anonymously say 'hi'.. go on… I dare you … or even if you don't know me you could say 'hi' from your corner of the world.

Clearly I'm feeling flat and somewhat needy ...

In the meantime I will continue on with washing the kindy dress-ups, mopping the kitchen floor, making myself a green juice (healthy!), watching crap TV coz I can, reading other sober blogs, ferrying my sons around the neighborhood, painting my toenails (now that's a good idea) and generally just basking in the glow of my glorious sobriety (positive note to end on).

I need to put some loud pop music on. Now that's a seriously good idea!

Love, Mrs D xxx


  1. Hi from Tennessee. I am sitting outside the AA meeting I finally got my nerve up to go to and NO ONE is here. FML!
    I am going home to eat chocolate.

    1. This made me laugh. The first AA meeting I decided to attend, I went late. There were cars in the parking lot and like 6 different doors to get into the house. The first door I tried was locked so I got back in my car and left. I was too nervous to try anymore doors. Double check your meeting time, sometimes they change. Good luck next time!

    2. And to clarify, I was laughing because I so understood the frustration of finally deciding to go and it not working out :) Hope it was good chocolate!!

  2. Hello my friend. I'm here...on the other side of the world...sending you a big squishy hug. Or two...or as many as you need (did I mention I'm a hugger).

    I love crap TV...and I'm not one bit embarrassed by it either. Love it love it love it!

    Um...what's a kindy dress-up?

    Love and more hugs,


  3. I have been reading your blog from the beginning! except for the year-plus long drink binge when I forgot about all my blogs. back with you and all caught up with your awesomeness-so thanks for being a constant, and for finding other great blogs for me to read;) from all the way across the globe...

  4. Mrs D, here's a big hug from me! Sorry to hear you're feeling meh. Light green + pale urine does sound not so nice. But you! You're so fabulous! You're sober and you're helping so many people see how much better that is. Hooray you! I hope the loud music cheers you up, and you start feeling the love. xoxo

  5. I've been having a bit of a meh time myself. The only thing that's cheering me up today is scrabble. It's your turn!!

  6. Hi Mrs D! I love your blog. Read about the first 9 months in order (with a glass of wine in one hand - duh) while thinking about quitting. Felt like I followed you through lots of ups and downs, but having a sense of what it would be like, and seeing your courage and your positivity and your clear enjoyment of your life without alcohol helped to give me the courage to stop. I'm a 41 yr old mum of 3 in the UK, been sober 19 days. Your blog played a big part in that - and I bet there's more out there like me. So here's a big THANK YOU!.
    MTM. xxx

  7. Hello Mrs D!! I have been lurking around the sober blogs for about a year and yours was one of the first I ever read (and like MTM, I used to have a drink in hand). I love how you share your story with us!! You are cheery bit of encouragement and I thank you!!
    Hugs from Michigan!!!

  8. are amazing! I selfishy just follow and never comment...You are brave and funny and inspirational !I have a grown son who is an addict and recovery blogs help my your blog!From Washington State...

  9. Snap on the blog post title as had a 'meh' day myself on Monday. Sending you big squeezes from Blighty xx

  10. Um hello! Do you mean me? I'm one of your friends who reads your blog but never comments (but I think you know I read it)! I love how brutally honest you are and inspirational and I especially love reading the comments and seeing how your words touch people right across the globe. Sometimes the comments make me tear up soI can only imagine how they make you feel, knowing you are helping people (although I know they help you just as much). It's Rach by the way. And if you're feeling 'meh' I'm not surprised, all the excitement of the move has passed and then you spent all that good energy painting your kitchen and now you don't like it! I'd be more than 'meh'. I'd be meeehhhaaaadddd!
    You bring that cute little booty over and I'll make you a cuppa in one of my special cups (you know the ones) if you're a feeling blue and a little needy! We can discuss reality tv and other pressing matters. I also think you should take a photo of your washing line and post it - full of dinosaurs and princesses and pirates - it'd be awesome. xx

  11. Hi Mrs D! Well you know me already. I can relate to the backsliding on sugar. I'm in a ditch at the moment, but trying to force, for lack of a better word, some healthier choices in there. Trying to see the overall progress and know I can get on track if I keep choosing too. I know it's self medication for mood/stress. The mehs. They'll pass, my dear.

  12. Hi. Just saying I'm here reading

  13. Hi from my corner of the world!! NC,US.. I know the feeling... Love reading your blog! Day 93 here!!!! Dance with freshly polished bright toes! You go girl!! Rock your sober bootie!!!

    1. Hello from another lurker who has been playing catch-up over last couple months. On Day 73. Love this blog. Replying to this other comment because yay another person from NC!

  14. Better late than never greetings from London :-)
    Bummer about the kitchen, we gave up drinking so everything else is supposed to be easy right?!
    I hate it when stuff goes wrong and I can't even blame my drinking on it anymore...
    I love, love, love your blog and wouldn't be here on day friggin' 350 something!! without you.
    Hugs from me.
    Carrie x

  15. Greetings from northeastern U.S. OK, you caught me! I'm one of those readers who don't comment. Let me take this opportunity to tell you how much your blog has helped me on my sobriety journey. I stopped drinking over 3 months ago and you always inspire me.
    xx Sue

  16. Hi Mrs D,
    just to let you know I've been following your blog from over here in Belgium. Sober for 150 days now and a bit anxious about the first sober holiday-trip coming up. Having come this far I dont want to fail. Sober blogs like yours really help in difficult times, they remind me that I'm not the only one fighting this fight.

  17. Oh dear. Pale urine. Not one of your finer moments.

  18. HI! from an anon person you know reading (and admiring) your blog. xxx

  19. Just wanted you to know that I'm listening to your interview on The Bubble Hour. Love hearing your voice (and wonderful accent!).

  20. Mrs D, it was so so lovely to hear your voice on the podcast!!! Good conversation, too. xo

  21. Try the singer M.I.A. ... i've got her on my "ear coffee" playlist and it always gives me a jump start! And i'm looking forward to listening to your podcast at home...maybe i can add that to my ear coffee playlist as well!

  22. Hi Mrs. D! I'm 31 days sober today :)) I discovered Jean's Unpickled site (which I love!) and she introduced me to The Bubble Hour (which I also love!!). I have fibromyalgia and we have had an extremely cold winter this year (which aggravates my body aches and pains) so it's been hard for me to tell how much of it may have been from my "new" sobriety. Because of the cold and my fibromyalgia, it's painful getting going in the mornings. So...I came up with the bright idea of listening to The Bubble Hour while I have my morning coffee and slowly wake my body up while getting inspired at the same time! When I tuned in this morning, you were on as a guest! I love your personality - like you - I'm not shy so I could completely identify with you :) What you mentioned which is so VERY helpful to me is when you spoke about being "flat." I haven't heard anyone else address that issue. I'm doing well and have no cravings but I can't help but wonder what it feels like being 1 year sober...specifically, if you've had struggles along the way and if so, what type. I'm a strong willed individual and have no doubt I can do this (because I feel great!!). However, I did have two days, in particular, in which "flat" would be a perfect way to describe them! That term truely helps me because it did concern me because initially I thought, oh no, is this what it feels like before you fall off the wagon. THANK YOU!!

  23. Just stopping by to say HI from LAKE TAHOE, USA. Just found your blog from the HSM site. Thank you for your honesty. So great going to enjoy journeying with you!!

  24. Hello from New York Mrs. D. Also newly sober, 117 days today!! Yay me!! Not sure how I found my way here, but have been enjoying your shares and your positive attitude!! I can relate to so much of what you say!!
