
Monday, March 3, 2014

Me on The Bubble Hour!

I just took part in The Bubble Hour, the amazing internet talk show about recovery.

It was so fun, wow what a lovely bunch of women to talk to I could have gone on and on and on...

If you want to listen (and hear what my New Zealand accent sounds like!) it's here…

Soberiety Bloggers 03/02 by The Bubble Hour | Lifestyle Podcasts


  1. I was so happy to hear your voice on The Bubble Hour. What a lovely accent (at least to my Michigan ears) you have :) And as I read the blogs of the other ladies too, it just made for enjoyable listening. Thank you for your willingness to share and make the recovery effort a little more bearable and not so scary.

  2. Wonderfully done :)

  3. I listened to this week's Bubble Hour at home this morning, whilst doing the chores. The warmth of your discussion with the other women there really lifted my day. People like you and Kristen offer a great inspiration to those of us starting out on this journey. Thank you :)

  4. Can't wait to hear your voice Mrs D! :) xx

    1. You sounded fabulous ;) Thank you xx

  5. Loved it, Mrs. D. How inspiring you are to me, a newbie to this process. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Loved your talk on the Bubble Hour! I appreciate your honesty about feeling a bit "flat" in sobriety sometimes. I can relate. Flat is better than flat out awful, though, which was (for me) how I felt every day at the end of my drinking. I'm coming up on 11 months sober & am happy to have found your blog. Here's a big online hug from me to you, sober sister! I've started blogging to at: --Erin

  7. Loved it! Loved hearing you. You sounded just how I imagined. Lovely work. xx

  8. Oh yes, and I loved the 'flat' part too because at first I was thinking, making excuses - in my current struggly state, 'Yes, that's the problem with sobriety, boring.. harumph'... BUT you are so right that it's worth that bit of flat sometimes over all the horrible drinking shame and remorse. Not to mention then there are all those lovely sparkly sober moments. And even though I have been struggling lately I got what you meant when you said you're almost glad to have experienced it - to have experienced the contrast - because I've had that feeling, which I once would have *never* comprehended. So that made me feel maybe I've come further than I realise after all. If that all makes any sense. Any, kudos and thank you.

  9. You were amazeballs as expected Mrs. D. Thanks. You rock.

  10. Awesome interview!! I loved every minute of it.

  11. Mrs D I loved hearing your show on the Bubble Hour. I am a regular listener there and this show has really helped me. I am reading your blog now too! Today March 7 is my sober day 120. And it is my birthday. today I am 52 and I can't tell you how many times I have wished to quit drinking. So many things helped it to stick this time and I think all my failures at moderating were learning experiences I needed. I also belong to an online community called HSM Hello Sunday Morning. Check it out -- great people dedicated to changing their relationship with alcohol. thank you for your inspiration.

  12. I loved your show on the bubble hour too! I listen to all the bubble hour podcasts - in my first few days sober I listened to them almost non stop. You were great. So real, so helpful and so nice to hear that kiwi accent!

  13. I listened to your show and loved it all. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It helps.

  14. Hey I am a bit behind on my Bubblehour podcasts so have been catching up today whilst cleaning! Just wanted to say how lovely it was to hear your voice! xx

  15. I finally got a chance to listen to this episode of the Bubble Hour and wanted to say you really were fantastic. You inspired me so much with your positive outlook. Also, I could really relate to what you were saying about not wanting to be flat and sad and that getting sober forced you to deal with that part of yourself. I couldn't agree more. Naturally a happy go lucky gal, drinking was a part of that for me too. Looking at the not-so-fun parts of us is natural and it's just really good to hear that you're still so optimistic and bubbly after being sober for awhile. I don't want to give up that part of my personality either :)

  16. I FINALLY listened to this on the bus ride home last night and it was wonderful. Your voice and warm personality that I imagined through this blog totally shined through on the audio. Loved it!

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