Thursday, April 23, 2015

Count the very's in this post...

Today is a brilliant day to be sober!!!

The sun is shining strongly in my home town and I woke up feeling happy and optimistic .. a feeling that I always appreciate when it does come because not all days are like this.

Last night at 5pm I was stuck in some thinking loops and realised I was feeling teeny bit angsty & glum so I had to administer some sober first aid.

Comfy pants - tick. Oil burner on - tick. Nice drink - tick (a cup of yummy herbal tea, lemongrass & ginger). Feeling kindly toward myself for experiencing uncomfortable emotions - tick.

Also managed to NOT binge on any nasty sugar although I did have 3 mini packets of chippies.

Now after a great nights sleep I have woken up cheery! Just goes to show how feelings come and go.

It would be nice to  eliminate all tricky emotions but I know that is an impossible thing to wish for and we can't expect life to be like that.

Last night's mood made sense. I'd recently hugged Mr D goodbye - he's away overseas for 12 nights on a work trip. I hadn't had as many hours sleep as I'm used to. I'd had one work thing cancelled on me and attended a big meeting on another work thing.

None of this stuff is earth shattering .. but it's my stuff and it all affects my emotions.

Anyway I've just packed my boys off to school. I've got all morning to myself to do a bunch of things that have been playing on my mind (tax, dentist, glazier, electrician). I am listening to a playlist on Spotify my sister compiled of songs from our childhood (LOVE IT!!), the sun is beaming through the windows in my sunroom, I will also do a little bit of pottering in the garden and I am very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very happy to be sober.


Love, Mrs D xxx


  1. Hi Mrs D!
    I just wanted to say thank you for your guidance with going sober. After reading your book (I am half way through so far) , I related so much to it. It was scary. I had a wine o'clock too, usually 4.30 or a bit earlier if the kids were driving me crazy! They would even pour the glass for me! Shame.
    After a binge a week last Friday, and even having to stop the car on the way home to throw up, I realized that at 44, this was ridiculous! I mean, I am not a teenager anymore and I should know better!
    I could never have one glass of wine, it was always 3-4 and sometimes the whole bottle. As my husband doesn't drink wine, I didn't even have to share it!
    I know it was a habit but I didn't know how to just stop. Until I read your book.....
    I haven't had a wine in 13 days. However, I did have a glass of cider on Friday night with my hubs once the kids went to bed, and another on Saturday night (this one was only to finish the Rekordalig bottle, and I didn't really enjoy it).
    I went out for dinner with two of friends last night. One had alcohol and my other friend, supporting me, only had a lemonade. I had a spicy tomato juice (no vodka!!!!). I am so proud of myself!
    If I can do that, I can do anything!
    Thank you Mrs D! You rock and are such an inspiration!
    Hugs xxx

  2. Dear Mrs. D,
    Great post about emotions. I think a little checklist would be good for myself! You've given me a great idea!
    I am so glad I am sober today, on day 230!

  3. 119. There are 119 Very's in your post. I thought it might be fun to accept the challenge :).

    1. Ha ha, love it!! Jeepers that's a lot.....

  4. Very Happy Days Mrs D :) xx

  5. Love it!!!! I very happy too:) 296 days for me!

  6. I love you, Mrs. D. Your book is amazing and so are you! What an inspiration. The hardest thing of all, for me, is just being with the emotions I don't want to feel. Lately I am just so overwhelmed with the joy of being a sober woman that most negative issues pale in comparison to the AF glow of my new life. I love looking at my face and eyes in the mirror. I think I remember her from way, way, long ago and I liked her VERY much. Rock on, Mrs. D!

  7. Great post Mrs. D. It is so important to take care of yourself and know when to step away from everything and pamper yourself even if it is just for an hour. Being a mom of three, a wife, and working full time can be challenging and does not leave much room for yourself but my theory did I find so much time to drink and get drunk? This theory makes me feel less guilty about taking time for myself because I am doing it sober.

  8. Hey, Mrs. D! I think it's awesome that you're able to stay sober and remain happy. Many of my friends think that soberness equals misery. Do you have any suggestions that I could give them to find happiness? Alcohol recovery.

  9. Hey Mrs D, I have read your book and now read your blog as a result and think you are so strong. Well done on all your "looking within" work. I admire you.
