Monday, December 26, 2011

Final Christmas blog..

It's so totally fine to be not drinking at Christmas.  It's so much better than fine.  I'm still laughing, chatting, joking being totally normal but without that edgy feeling like I've got the dial turned up to 9 or 10 (over the top) instead of sitting comfortably at a 5 or 6 (nice and normal).

And I'm sitting at that comfortable level while hosting tons of people coming and going, plus around 6 extras staying including two babies.  The dishwasher has been going three times a day, we're constantly cleaning up and getting ready to prepare the next snack or 3-course meal.  And all the while it's a melting pot of humanity with all their foibles, stresses and problems and of course all of us think our issues are the most important. A million and one dynamics and the odd tension spot blowing like a leak in a pipe.

But sober Mrs D is able to keep herself reasonably level-headed.  Not too stressed, not too territorial, generous enough with my house and space, busy but not feeling too under-appreciated, washing, cleaning, answering questions constantly (where are your table cloths? is the local diary open today?  how can I set your washing machine to low?  is there a container I can put this in?  shall we cook the rosti like this or like that?  have you another cushion for the outside chairs?  where's the hose fitting so I can fill the paddling pool? ).

I've had three people cry over me in private (we're an emotional female-based family ok), one or two snap testily at me, a couple of them treat me like I'm the most bossy person in the world (well you told me to ask for help) and the sleep throughout has been brief and broken.

But not once have I been even slightly tempted to drink alcohol despite everyone else doing it (except pregnant sister).  Not even remotely interested.  Just do not want to.  Don't need it.  Don't want it. 

I rekon if I had been experiencing all of the above while pouring copious amounts of alcohol in my system I'd not only feel a shit-load more tired and sicky in my guts with a pounding headache most of the time but I'd be feeling far more watery emotionally myself.  I'd have a nervy feeling in my tummy probably because I'd not been able to think and feel and process all the dynamics and interactions clearly. 

Happy Merry Glorious Sober Christmas to you all!!!!!!!!!! 

Off camping now for a week .... please may it not rain.

Love Mrs D xxxxxxx


  1. awesome work chick!! :) So proud of you! And far out if you can keep sober under all those circumstances, then you really need to pat youself on the back! Wonderful! Have a great time camping and and awesome new year!!
    All the best, ... Juanita (Neetz).

  2. Congratulations Mrs D, fabulous. I'm so pleased for you.

  3. Now that sounds like a perfect Christmas! You did it chica!

  4. Way to handle yourself with such grace. You are one cool sober woman.

    Have fun camping!

  5. Congratulations on making it through the holidays in such a successful way! We applaud you dealing with your alcohol addition while juggling so much going on and still being a very important part of your family!

  6. I thought I had a draining Christmas, but I feel sheepish after reading about yours! You had your hands full and then some.

    Really happy to hear you didn't feel tempted to drink. Doesn't it feel great to know you got through the holiday and held strong? I'm certain you're right in that drinking would have only made the stress worse.

    Happy new year and hope you enjoy camping!

  7. I've been reading your blog now since about your third entry and cheer for you each time. You are doing a brilliant job!
